Some Mixed media in a card and in art journaling / DT Allt om Scrap

Tällä viikolla Allt om Scrap -nettilehdessä on puhetta mixed mediasta ja art journalingista. Sehän sopi minulle ja olipa hauskaa DTläisenä päästä tekemään töitä tällä teemalla. Tämän aukeaman tein itse asiassa Prozart-tapahtumassa Puolassa.

This week at Allt om Scrap, a Swedish online magazine, the theme has been art journaling and mixed media. I love both so was all excited to start working on this subject as a DT member. This art journaling page I actually made at the Prozart event in Poland.

Kukkanen  edited

Supplies: Prima, 3rd Eye, Tattered Angels

Sivun aloitin peittamällä aukeaman kokonaan paperikukkasilla, jotka liimasin kiinni ja yli maalasin valkoisella akryylimaalilla päälle.

I first covered the pages with Prima’s paper flowers using glue. I then painted some white acrylic paint over the whole thing.

kukkanen art journal 02

kukkanen art journal 03

Maalin kuivuttua vuorossa oli tekstuuripasta maskin läpi, 3rd Eyen leimat sekä hieman mistejä.

After the paint was dry I used some structure paste through a mask, a few different 3rd Eye stamps and some mists.

kukkanen art journal 04

Mixed media pääsi korttiinkin, joka oli Allt om Scrapin aikaisemmassa postauksessa mukana, teemana silloin syksyinen Mood Board.

Mixed Media played an important role in a card too which I created for Allt om Scrap’s Mood Board with autumn colors.

Kortti edited


Supplies: 3rd Eye, Luminarte, Kaiser Craft

Art Journaling ‘Tumma porukka’ / DT Skräppihetket

Ja taas on aika uuden Skräppihetkien haasteen! Tällä kertaa pitää leikata kuvioita irti kuviopaperista. Minä tein art journal -aukeaman, jossa leikattua ovat nuo laatikot oikealla puolella. Myös tuo vanha valokuva on myös leikelty.

Time seems to fly and it is time for another challenge at the Scrap Moments! This time the task is to do some fussy cutting. I have cut those drawers on the right as well as the old photo.

tumma porukka 01 revi ja leimaa

Supplies: Sodalicious, Tim Holtz, Kaiser Craft, Stampin’ Up, Ranger

tumma porukka 04

tumma porukka 03

tumma porukka 02

Tervetuloa osallistumaan haasteeseen! Aikaa on 25.9 saakka.

International entries to the challenge are welcome! The challenge closes on 25th Sep. 

Art Journal for the first time ever!

Art Journaling on minua kiinnostanut jo vaikka kuinka pitkään ja jostakin syystä en vain ole saanut sitä kokeiltua. Vihkonen, jonne tätä taidetta voisi taiteilla, on olemassa kyllä. Nyt päätin vihdoin kokeilla ja tein aukeaman. Oli kerrassaan ihanaa, ei sääntöjä joita pitäisi noudattaa, vaan ihan siltä-miltä-tuntuu-meiningillä tehty.

Art Journaling has been fascinating me for a quite some time but I have never managed to try it myself. I even had the booklet to create my art journaling in. Now finally I did make a two pager. And how fun and delightful was that! There are no rules restricting but you can get creative in any style and do pretty much anything you want in your art journal!

art journal 01 coursera 2

Aloitin värjäämällä valkoiset sivut käyttämällä mustetta ja brayeria. Leikkelin valokuvia sekä otin kuvia myös aikakauslehdistä. Leimausta, lävistystä, maskausta, doodlausta. Siinäpä se.

art journal 02

Skräppihetkissä on tänään alkanut uusi haaste! Aiheena on kuvaan kajoaminen, ts. tavalliset suorakaiteen muotoiset valokuvat eivät kelpaa, vaan kuville pitää tehdä jotakin – leikata, raaputtaa, repiä… Tässä art journaling -aukeamassa olen leikannut useampaa valokuvaa. Aikaa haasteeseen osallistumiseen on 17.7. saakka! Tervetuloa mukaan!

It is time for a new challenge at Scrap Moments! The theme is to touch the photo, meaning that the normal rectangular pictures won’t do but you need to cut, scratch, tear… your pics. In this art journling page of mine I have cut several different photos. The challenge will close on 17 Jul. It would be lovely to see your creations!

Tämä aukeama oli yksi kurssityöni Courseran Introduction to Art -kurssille. Työn tekemisen yhteydessä piti kirjoittaa myös Artist Statement, jonka liitän tähän, mikäli jotakuta kiinnostaa lukea tarkempia taustoja tähän art journaling -aukeamaan.

This art journaling double page is part of my course work for Coursera’s online class Introduction to Art. When submitting the art work for the class I had to write an Artist Statement, which I will attach here in case somebody is interested to read a bit more about these art journaling pages.

Advice to my children through Art Journaling

I wanted to create my Fantastic Art piece by art journaling – something I have wanted to try for a long time but never haven’t. This was the perfect opportunity and I loved it! I prepared the background by using brayer & a few different shades of ink. Then I took out a few stamps, mesh, ink sprays and water spray and played with them for a bit. The next layer was created with photos and cut outs from magazines. I loved combining those too! I included a little bit of doodling and washi tape for extra detail.

There are lots of things I would like to teach my children. Sometimes it is difficult to get the message through or have them understand what I want them to know or learn. Sometimes it seems easier to put it on paper, it is then there whenever they feel like finding it. Surely my children are now still very small but they will grow. Art Journaling (and scrapbooking that I normally do) are my heritage to them.

Although the title of this piece of work is about something for my children, the pages have lots of hidden meanings and parabels that describe my feelings and thoughts of things – like for example the “rain” made of tiny alphabets & acrylic paint. Although the text on the unbrella says: “I wish to protect you from the rains of life” I also feel that my children need protection and guidance regarding the flood of information the modern generation is surrounded by – hence the letters raining down on the page. Another example – why Colosseum with birch tree trunks? Rome is one of my dearest destinations and here it represents travel and world. The birch tree is very typical to Finland where I am from. The stamped text on the page (“not all who wonder are lost”) kind of brings these things together. We are an army family and move around a lot, we wander. I wish my children will never feel lost although at least for the moment they don’t have roots anywhere.